baby brought me to chinatown for frogleggs (:
such a glutton i know!
stayed over. babylove knocked out, leaving jack daniels to accompany me through the night.
btw, do you guys dig my bf's radiant smile? LOLOLOLOLS!
woke up & had lunch cooked by auntie (:
left for vivo to check out my stuffs, trying on stuff the second time didnt seem as chio as the first time.
not a bad thing actually, means i'll be saving money since all of them have been striked out of my wants-list!
bought a top/dress from f21 & braaas. But butbut! fuck it? i need to go back to get the sizes changed! the salesgirl took the wrong sizes for me! i hope i can get them changed, else money gone with the wind??? ):
P.S : leeling, i got lasenza membershipppp! yayness man (: can flood wardorbe with pretty brrrraaaaassss!
saw an sms frm baby's friend this morning saying: i'm not cuming today.
so i showed the msg to bf and said to him: eh, reply him that cuming is a bad word! LOLS
it really is a bad word! LOLS. don't believe go to!
woah, woman!
no one can beat you in shopping man! you have like so so so many membership cards now! LOLS
ya, bank account counting down alrdy! LOLS
dont joke. hehs.
always remember my favourite shopping phrase for you, you wont go wrong! "money can always earn back." familiar? LOLS
it sucks to be broke.
that sentence of yours is guilty of the outcome of my bank account now lahhhhs! LOLOLOLOLS
woah, and so..
it's all my fault now lahs! LOLS
but if you love it, just buy it, so that you dont keep thinking about it. it sucks to regret not buying. isn't it true? (:
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