♥♥♥ ` my love for you;092103

Saturday, November 21, 2009

goodbye purrplelove

Friday, November 20, 2009

baby took me to the movies on wednesday night
caught paranormal activity
& i was alrdy prepared for a good scare with all my buddies telling me how scary it is
of cos, they didn't spoil it by telling me the storyline

it was fking scary
and i could anticipate a scary face at the end of the show
luckily i managed to cover my eyes from the evil image
baby said i wouldn't want to see how the face looked like

i name this flick the scariest horror flick in my list
i couldn't sleep well that night ):

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

came across this quote, & i think it makes a lot of sense!
getting a promotion is like getting pregnant
everyone congratulates you
but nobody knows
how many times you've been screwed

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

received a letter from my internship company
inviting me to join them

is it a sign telling me i should just quit uni?
i am confused, should i even go for the interview?
because i know one foot is out of NUS's door already

i am in a dilemma!

& some stewwwwwpid china guy messed with my fringe
i just wanted to trim it & he couldnt even do a simply job as that!
went to twister to get my fringe rescued
now i look like a fking coconut husk!
i learnt to always insist on your favourite stylist even if he is busy

Friday, November 13, 2009

another member added to the collection! total LOVES!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

come to mummy (:
couldn't find the salmon colour i purchased

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

came across a sg model's blog
she got herself a new nose in bangkok
and I must say, the results look great
went to the website of the cosmetic surgeon http://www.tokaiclinic.com/
and had a great laugh and gained some knowledge as well
i didnt know that dimples can be made
and viewing those breast enlargement makes me suspect
that they belong to the ah guas in bangkok!

I am so tempted to get something done but i am afraid as well!
even if i were to do anything, it'll not be anytime soon
and what if something goes wrong???

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i realised my econs is damn shingz &
my statistics is super boomz to the max
cities & sociology leaves me feeling
so shiok that i want to surrender!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

for all the things i've put you through
for all the wrong that i've done
for all the lies i've told
for all the truth i've hidden
you just stood by me
forgiving me time & again
giving me countless chances
only leaves me feeling more guilty than ever
leaving me
to love you
more than before
how can i not love someone like you
thank you baby
i love you ♥